We might as well admit it. There are some things we seniors can no longer do, or at least we can’t do as well as we could a few decades ago. Experience does come with a price, and sometimes a pretty hefty price. That’s because experience is valuable.
Remember, experience is what makes us so very wise. OK then, at least experienced!
Now, I will admit, I was never a track star in high school. I was more of a lineman in football. My thing was being a good rusher or blocker. I was very physically active.
Activity is important not only as a teenager or young adult, but it is also still important even as we pile on the years. Of course, we cannot be as active as we once were, and we must be more careful with our choices of activity, but we still must still be active, if only to a lesser degree
As seniors, if we are feeling down, constipated, or overweight, perhaps we need to be more active. If our blood pressure or blood sugar is a little high, or maybe we have trouble sleeping at night, the solution might be as simple as walking for 30 minutes every day.
A walk might seem like child's play compared to running a marathon or competing in CrossFit, and it is, but, so what? A walk can be a very healthy alternative if we lack the time or interest in exercising intensely.
Humans were built for walking, and some health experts believe that the chair was the worst invention ever created. We can do a lot to enhance our health by standing up and taking a walk.
1. We'll feel better. If we're currently not getting enough exercise, a walk is a simple way to fill that void. Getting out of the house and breathing a little fresh air is bound to enhance our mood and outlook on life.
2. Walking is good for our bones. Hip fractures are reduced in postmenopausal women who walk for at least 30 minutes each day.
3. We can expect to sleep better if we walk regularly. Those who walk report a lower incidence of insomnia. If we're having trouble sleeping at night, the solution might be as simple as a daily walk.
4. Our risk of chronic disease is lower if we walk each day. Studies have found that our risk of developing diabetes or suffering a stroke is reduced significantly. Thirty minutes of walking is all we need each day to reduce our risk of cardiovascular disease by 30%. A stroll can also lower our blood pressure.
5. Walking increases the motility of our bowels. If we suffer from constipation, a walk can work wonders for our issue.
6. We are developing a good habit. Walking can be a positive addition to our routine. The most successful people have routines. We're more likely to experience success if we can maintain positive routines in our life.
7. We're likely to lose weight. If we increase our physical activity without increasing our caloric intake, we can expect to drop a few pounds. Even if we don't lose weight, we may experience a shift in our weight that allows our tight clothing to fit much more comfortably.
8. Walking is good for our brain. Older seniors who walk daily have a 50% decreased risk of developing Alzheimer's or dementia.
9. Our creativity will increase. More than one study has demonstrated that going for a walk boosts creativity. Those who walk are more creative than those who sit. Have a challenge at work or at home? We're more likely to find the solution during a nice, long walk.
10. We'll live longer. Those who spend more time on their feet have been shown to live longer than those who spend too much time sitting each day. Get up on our feet and go for a walk if we want to extend our life. It has been suggested that a daily walk adds 3-7 years of life.
Walking is free, low-impact, and simple to do. There's no new skill to learn and no equipment to purchase. Unlike many other forms of exercise, walking can be done by those with weight issues and those with no athletic ability whatsoever. Just put on our shoes and get out the door!
Consider the many health benefits that walking provides. Going for a walk can do a lot more for our health and outlook on life than a gym membership that is rarely used. It's much less expensive, too!
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