Seniors Need Rest Too

Exodus 20:8 reads, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." For Christians striving to live in accordance with God’s master plan, this commandment serves as a welcome reminder of spiritual priorities, especially for our senior loved ones. Seniors needing a day of rest align perfectly with the scriptural wisdom of honoring the Sabbath

Sabbath rest

In His infinite wisdom, the omnipotent God worked for six days and rested on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2), thus setting an example for humanity. He knows we need a break, so he gave us the Sabbath day. A weekly rest day is His gift, a divine prescription, to ensure we are mentally, spiritually, and physically rejuvenated.

Old age brings its own set of joys and challenges. With frailty comes the necessity for a slower pace, allowing seniors to enjoy life's simple, restful things. The Sabbath is an excellent opportunity to slow down, rest, and refocus our minds on the Divine Creator.

Biblically, the seventh day, or Saturday, is the divine day of rest or Sabbath. This is predominantly evident in the Hebrew Scriptures and was the practice of early Christians, including Jesus (Luke 4:16). However, in most Christian cultures today, Sunday is observed as a day of worship and rest.


How did this switch from Saturday to Sunday occur? The change was primarily due to the political influence of Roman Emperor Constantine in the 4th Century. Before converting to Christianity, he was a sun worshiper and declared Sunday, the first day of the week, a day of rest in honor of the sun god. Eventually, many Christian leaders rationalized this shift as commemorating Jesus' resurrection on a Sunday.

Orthodox Christians, Seventh-day Adventists, and other Sabbath-keeping Christians continue to observe Saturday as the Sabbath. However, regardless of the day, what truly matters is setting aside a holy day each week dedicated to worship, rest, and rejuvenating relationships with God and fellow human beings.

So, how do seniors needing a day of rest make the most of it and live in harmony with this Biblical mandate? Firstly, understand that rest doesn't mean inactivity. Instead, it's disengaging from regular weekday work and reframing the mind into a state of spiritual nurturing.

family enjoying nature

Devoting time to biblical readings, meditation, and prayer enhances spiritual growth and brings you into a closer communion with God. Seniors should pay attention to this spiritual feast on the day of rest, strengthening their relationship with the Maker.

Seniors could also take time on this chosen day for recreational and leisurely activities like reading, gardening, or walking. Such gentle physical activities encourage physical fitness without strain, promoting all-around well-being.

Remember to pace yourself. The day of rest isn't a time for rushing or bustling. Practicing mindfulness, enjoying nature, and appreciating God’s creation can bring greater peace and fulfillment.

family together in nature

While it can be tempting to stay glued to screens for entertainment, try to limit this on the Sabbath. Also, refrain from making this day a catch-up for chores or shopping. Preserve the day's sanctity by focusing on nurturing and restorative activities.

Generally, planning your meals or opting for simpler foods can avoid creating a kitchen frenzy on the Sabbath. This means less stress and more rest.

Church attendance, where feasible, can be an essential part of your Sabbath observance. Here, you commune with fellow believers, participate in communal worship, and listen to life-affirming sermons.

Opening your home for Sabbath fellowship can also be spiritually enriching. The joy and fellowship of sharing a holy meal with other believers not only help ease loneliness but also build strong relationships within the Christian community.

happy Sabbath!

Regardless of the day you observe, sync with a community that acknowledges the same day as a Sabbath. This would foster collective worship and shared rest, enhancing your spiritual growth and experience.

Lastly, never forget that God himself is the Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28). He desires mercy and not sacrifice (Hosea 6:6). Should an unforeseen need arise in the house of an elderly person on the day of rest, attending to it takes precedence over religious constraints.

Ultimately, observing the Sabbath should not become a daunting obligation but a delightful anticipation for seniors needing a day of rest. When rightfully observed, it helps seniors strengthen their relationship with God, increases spiritual peace, and leads to psychological tranquility and physical rejuvenation. Praise be to the One who invites us into this rhythm of rest!

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