The Great Sport of Pickleball

In the last year or so, Dianne and I have taken up the sport of pickleball.  The game shares similarities with tennis and ping pong, or table tennis.  We have joined the health and fitness center at John Brown University (JBU) and play with a group of others (some seniors and some younger people).

team play of pickleballPickle ball is a great team sport.

We play for a couple of hours every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning.  To learn the official rules of the game, go here.

team play 2Indoor courts can also be helpful.

Dianne and I enjoy playing pickleball for at least two reasons: First of all, it’s great fun and provides good exercise.

serving the ballA serve to begin the game.

Secondly, we meet some wonderful people and enjoy being in their company.

pickleballThe pickle ball. Lighter than a tennis ball.

The game does not take up nearly as much room on the court as tennis, so we do not have to cover as much ground to stay in the game, though good mobility is a plus,  You also do not need a tennis racket,  as you do in tennis.  Beyond using a wiffle ball, all you need is a paddle, as shown in the pictures below.

You may be in good physical condition, and that is great and I hope your are.  Even if your health is not quite is vigorous as you might wish, I'd still like to encourage you to give pickleball a try.  It can be played gently or with greater enthusiasm, however you wish.  The important thing is try to be as active as you safely can.

There is no need to create stress for yourself.  The important thing is to have fun and exercise.  

paddleThe paddle. The cost starts at about $50 and goes up from there.

To be fair, I should probably reveal that after the first game or so, Dianne and I rediscovered some muscles we had forgotten about.  We continued to keep playing and soon the discomfort went away.

As God created us, we were designed to be mobile, move around, visit places, and socialize with other people.  God is sociable and I believe He likes for us to be sociable too.  Participating in pickleball presents a great opportunity for us to be sociable while getting great exercise at the same time.

pickleballThe paddle and the ball on the court.

You will probably deduce from the picture, the pickle ball is quite a bit lighter than a tennis ball.  When playing outdoors, if the wind is blowing, it will affect the trajectory of the ball, and this fact must be taken into account while playing.

Returning a ball,Following through with a great return!

You can do this.  Don't be afraid to modify the game in any way that makes it easier for you to participate.  You will the increase in you energy,  and enthusiasm as you gain more confidence in you playing ability and enjoy the fellowship of the new friends you are sure to gain.

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