On Building and Maintaining Relationships

building a relationship

The art of building and maintaining relationships is essential to our personal and professional lives. People who thrive in relationships tend to live happier, healthier, and more fulfilled lives.

This statement aligns with the Christian perspective that promotes love, connection, and understanding. We're encouraged to "love one another; as I have loved you" (John 13:34, the Bible). Hence, let's start this journey with the understanding that the rewards of deep, meaningful relationships are immense.

We should acknowledge from the start that building and maintaining relationships does require some work  - although work is too strong of a word - some of the time.  Relationships are what bring us joy and fulfillment in life.

The First Step

To build any relationship, the first step is to establish a connection. This connection arises from a place of genuine interest and understanding. Be interested in the other person’s stories, feelings, and views on different matters. A simple "How was your day?" can spark meaningful conversations. Your interest should be authentic; people can sense insincerity.


A key element to building relationships is effective communication. The ability to express your thoughts, feelings, and opinions assertively yet respectfully forms the backbone of any relationship. Conflicts will arise; how you communicate during these times matters.

Being patient and forgiving is equally essential. These attributes, highlighted in Colossians 3:13, enable us to grow stronger in our relationships. We are all humans, and we make mistakes. An act of forgiveness can often mean the difference between a broken relationship and a stronger, deeper one

Offering help in times of need is another tip to build and maintain relationships. By being there for others, we not only show that we care, but we also strengthen our bond. This is also a pathway for the reader to help others find purpose and joy.

offering help

Practicing empathy is essential in building deep, meaningful relationships. Understanding someone's feelings, emotions, and experiences cultivates trust and mutual respect. Seeing the world from their perspective helps foster deeper connections.

Showing gratitude, appreciating each other's efforts, and celebrating successes together also forge stronger bonds. The feeling of being valued and appreciated builds self-esteem and strengthens the relationship.

Building relationships doesn't happen overnight. It requires time and effort. Similarly, maintaining them demands consistency. Regular interactions, be it casual conversations, calls, or gatherings, keep the relationship alive and flourishing.

Maintaining a relationship also requires the ability to adapt to changes. People evolve, circumstances change, and the ability to navigate these changes can make a relationship resilient and deep.

Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect. Each person’s views, emotions, and decisions should be respected. Disagreements will happen, but treating each other with kindness and respect is crucial


Apologizing when you're wrong not only demonstrates your integrity but also builds trust. Humility, as exemplified by Jesus (Philippians 2:5-8), should be a guiding principle.

In the Bible, we find many examples of people who have helped others build relationships. Barnabas, known as the "Son of Encouragement," played a significant role in Paul's life (Acts 4:36-37). His encouragement helped Paul build relationships within the Christian community.

One way the reader can encourage others is by being a good listener. Actively listen to their concerns without judgment, offer guidance, but only accept the urge to solve their problems if asked to. Through this, you provide a safe space for them to share.

Building and maintaining relationships involve not just the mind but the heart. Genuine affection and care expressed through words and actions can bring joy and fulfillment to the receiver and the giver.

being a good listener

Sacrifice plays a considerable role in maintaining relationships. It could be sacrificing your comfort, money, or time. Though it sounds daunting, sacrificial love brings immense joy and purpose when done willingly (John 15:13).

To have deep relationships, we need to be vulnerable to open our hearts and minds to others. Vulnerability builds trust and understanding, letting others see your true self.

Nurturing relationships with prayers is undeniably powerful. Pray for their well-being, success, and spiritual growth. Prayer connects us spiritually and enhances our relationship with God and each other.

In conclusion, building and maintaining relationships is about connection, communication, forgiveness, empathy, gratitude, respect, humility, and constant effort.

It's about being there for each other, embracing changes, and growing together. Remember to love like Jesus, to be patient and kind, and to keep no record of wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). With these tips, you'll achieve deep, meaningful relationships and positively impact others.

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