5 Ways to Tackle Social Anxiety

Dianne is the social butterfly in our family.  I like people and enjoy being around them, but Dianne loves to engage them and enjoys conversing.

Social anxiety is a tricky beast to tame. It can pop up at the most unexpected times and cause unnecessary worry and stress.

social anxiety

There’s no need to let it win. You can create your path and find ways to tackle it so you can take control of your life. Some of these tips may help you to identify the causes of your social anxiety and help you understand how to deal with it when it occurs.

1. Talk to people. If you tell people exactly how you’re feeling, chances are they will be more than willing to help you. There can be How To Tackle Social Anxiety: comfort in knowing that other people are supporting you.

talk to people

   ♦ Discuss your social anxiety with friends and family. Tell them precisely what bothers you and express your feelings.

   ♦ They may have some coping mechanisms that they can share with you, or they may have been through something similar, but they just haven’t spoken to you about it yet.

   ♦ You can support each other, working out your triggers and identifying how to create coping strategies when things get overwhelming.

list of concerns

2. Make a list of concerns. Sometimes, something as simple as writing your thoughts down can help to understand what you are thinking and feeling. If you have concerns, grab a journal and write down just what it might be that triggers your social anxiety.

   ♦ You might not have all the answers but don’t worry too much about that. All you need to do is identify where there may be patterns or trends in your anxiety.

   ♦ Consider if any situations automatically make you feel uneasy and uncomfortable and work from there.

a group of people

    ♦ By writing down some potential triggers, you can clarify your thoughts and consider potential solutions. By being calm and rational, you can start feeling more in control.

3. Safety in numbers. If you are attending a social event, why not consider going with a friend? If you are going to a party or a gathering, consider asking the host if you may bring a friend.

   ♦ This will likely make you feel more at ease as you’ll have someone to connect with. If invites aren’t needed, then bring a friend anyway to calm yourself and make yourself feel better! 4. Be honest. It’s best not to deny your social anxiety but to accept it and try to understand how to work with it.

have a back-up plan

4. Be honest. It’s best not to deny your social anxiety but to accept it and try to understand how to work with it.

   ♦ If you hide it, you’ll only get more worked up and anxious, and other people may not understand your behavior or be able to support you.

   ♦ If you hide it, you’ll only get more worked up and anxious, and other people may not understand your behavior or be able to support you.

5. Have a backup plan. Sometimes a backup plan can work wonders for your mental health.

   ♦ If you’re going to a gathering or a party, plan how to get home if needed. Know your exit strategy and how you can remove yourself from the situation quickly.

   ♦ You probably won't need to use this strategy, but having a plan can give you peace of mind. Remember, social anxiety is common, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Just take some time to remind yourself that you control your anxiety, and it does not control you!

Bottom line?  You can do this!  Go for it!

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