What Jaws Can Teach You
About Overcoming Fear

The movie that made you afraid to go in the water could also give you more courage. Jaws has been scaring movie lovers for over 40 years, so you’re probably familiar with the panic a giant shark can cause on a holiday weekend at the beach


What the movie says about living on dry land may be less noticeable. However, many strategies for dealing with a hungry marine predator can also work with more minor risks. That includes things like public speaking and online dating.

Let the brave characters from Jaws inspire you to face and overcome your fears. Study these three lessons from the original summer blockbuster.

Jaws Lesson One - Anyone Can Be a Hero

You might think a sheriff afraid of water is no match for a shark. Yet, Roy Scheider’s character rose to the challenge. You, too, are probably more intelligent and robust than you think.

be a hero

1. Take risks. Set goals that will push you out of your comfort zone. Make them ambitious and realistic, with specific timelines to help you stay on track

2. Learn from experience. Give yourself credit for trying even if the initial outcomes fall short of your expectations. Evaluate your progress, and keep practicing in areas where you want to grow.

3. Think positively. Cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation. Pay attention to the pleasant and profound events that occur each day. Count your blessings, and speak kindly to yourself.

Jaws Lesson Two - Work as a Team

The sheriff was impressive, but defeating the shark required a group effort. Their success depended on pooling the skills and knowledge of a lawman, a big game hunter, and a marine biologist. Collaborating with others enables you to accomplish more.

work as a team

 1. Network regularly. Reach out to potential partners and allies online and off. Join groups on LinkedIn and participate in discussions. Invite colleagues to lunch and attend industry events where you can meet new contacts.

2. Listen closely. Pay attention to what others have to say. Listen with an open mind, even if you disagree. Remember that anyone you meet can teach you something if you recognize the opportunity.

3. Leverage your strengths. Understand what you have to contribute. Approach tasks in a way that lets you draw on your unique talents and wisdom.

4. Share support. Develop mutually beneficial relationships. Ask others to give you feedback on your work and offer helpful observations in return. Be generous with referrals and introductions.

Jaws Lesson Three - Expect the Unexpected

Trying to avoid scary things increases your anxiety levels and makes it more challenging to adapt to change. Accepting unpleasant surprises lets you focus on how to deal with them.

expect the unexpected

 1. Practice self-care. Keeping fit increases your resilience. Eat a balanced diet, and engage in regular physical activity. Aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Live mindfully, and find relaxation practices that work for you.

 2. Take baby steps. There’s a difference between being brave and being reckless. It’s okay to be cautious during uncertain times. Figure out your first step, and proceed gradually.

help others

 3. Help others. It’s natural to feel sorry for yourself when troubles pile up. However, focusing on others puts your own situation in perspective. It also gives you more energy to cope with your doubts and fears.

What about that mayor who wanted to ignore the sharks and keep the beaches open? He’s become a famous example of the dangers of denial. Strive to be more like the sheriff who acknowledges his fears and teams up with friends to take positive action.

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