Strategies to Help Lose Weight

Are you one of those people who can eat whatever they want and still have no issues with gaining too much weight?  I guess that’s not your fault and I can overlook it, but I'm certainly jealous!

As I am now a confirmed senior, I can honestly say that for most of my life, I have struggled with the weight issue.  If you, or someone you know, have the same issue, you may find the following information helpful.  Losing weight doesn't have to be complicated! It can be fun and easy if we do it the right way.

The main reason why people don't lose weight, even when they plan to, is because it feels overwhelming. If we can make it less overwhelming, we're more likely to see success.

If we look at our weight loss in small steps, it becomes much more manageable and feels like something we can do. Mindset is everything when it comes to losing weight, so don't assume that we aren't capable.

We can do anything we put our mind to, including losing those extra pounds.

Break Down Our Weigh Loss Goals

Weight loss goals that are too large - like trying to lose 50 pounds - may stop us in our tracks.

They seem impossible, so we give up before we even start. We might not feel like we can lose 50 pounds, but can we lose one pound? What about two or five? Those sound like better numbers, and they aren't so frightening.

If we lose only one pound per week, you we achieve our 50-pound weight loss goal in less than a year. At two pounds per week, that timeline would come down to only six months. That's a realistic time frame and a reasonable goal. 

How to Lose Those Pounds

Another thing that stops people from losing weight is that they don't know how. We can learn how to lose weight properly, though, and it'll help us feel oh-so-much better about ourselves!

More confidence is an attractive quality, no matter what weight we are, so the sooner we feel better about ourselves, the sooner it'll start showing to the world.

Diet and exercise are still the keys to weight loss, but we shouldn't look at them as short-term, painful things that we must suffer through until we reach our goal. That's not the way to lose weight and keep it off, so avoid that mindset.

Instead, make small changes that we can implement easily into our daily routines. Those changes will make a big difference over time.

Here are some easy strategies we can use to lose weight and start a new, healthier lifestyle:

1. Cut out just one snack or 'bad' food. We don't have to change our entire way of eating overnight. We can do it by changing one food, snack, or meal at a time.

2. Find a fun way to get some light exercise. We might not feel comfortable at the gym, but we can walk in place while we watch TV, pedal a stationary bicycle, or stroll around the block with a friend or family member.

3. Get help. There are plenty of support groups for people who want to lose weight. Some of them can be found online, just a click away. If that's not for us, we can get a friend or family member to encourage and help us with our goals.

4. Encourage and reward ourselves. As we lose weight, remember that our new eating patterns and exercise choices will become a way of life for us. This is a long-term solution that will be worth it as our waistline decreases and our health improves.

Give ourselves a treat as we reach each small goal, and plan for what we'll do with the new, thinner us!  A large piece of pie or cake is NOT a suggested treat!  Just saying...!

Reaching our weight loss goals can seem daunting, but we can accomplish them without feeling deprived, stressed, or unhappy. There's no better time than the present to get started. Then, one day soon, we'll realize how much more enjoyable life is with our healthy lifestyle.

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